December 15, 2008

Kicking off the new year.....

Okay! I know this is early but I just have a few sessions left for the year so I wanted to be able to post this! This offer will be good through the new year and will expire on January 2nd or if sooner if spots fill up. I will also be posting specials throughout the new year so stay tuned. This is the biggest and best special.

Studio session for 1-3 kids is $100! This includes your session and high resolution CD Crazy right? Please add $25 for any additional children.

On location Session for kids, families, or individuals up to 10 people in the Davis county area is $125!!!

The details......
Session can be booked scheduled for anytime in the new year. So perfect for those of you whom are having upcoming arrivals, and kids celebrating there one year bdays! For families who want updated pictures in the new year can schedule when its warmer if they prefer, the price will still stand!

Limited sessions available. To Book please email me at Minimum non refundable deposit of $50 to hold your spot. Moms whom are expecting and want to schedule, we will schedule approximately around your due date and adjust accordingly when your arrival comes. Again minimum spots are available and this is on a first come first serve basis. Please email me with any additional questions.

Prices will be changing in the new year as well so stay tuned and lots of fun neat products coming soon.


Anonymous December 15, 2008 at 3:07 PM  

WOW!!! great great deals!

busy girl!

Megan December 16, 2008 at 11:35 AM  

I call a spot every 3 months. Thanks. lol

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