Happy Anniversary...to me!
Okay well its my one year anniversary in taking clients with my photography business one big year!!! wahoo! So thank you to all whom have been a part of my year, I have learned a great deal, made some wonderful friends and grown. I saw from a friend of mines blog her one year anniversary, she decided to give back. I loved that idea!!! So thank you Jessica Im borrowing your lovely idea :) So to celebrate my one year ask me anything you want to know about style, photography, photoshopping, equipment, whatever you can think of! Either leave it in the comments, or email me and I will answer them :) YAY!
and for those of you waiting for sneak peaks....im working my little heart out! My photoshop decided to go skeewampus on me so i had to do a little repair :)
OHHH YAY! Im going to be your first.
1. Will you give me your 5d? :)
2. Whats your favorite action? I know you are leaning towards not useing them as much.
3.If my skin is orange-y looks like I got back from cancun---how do I change that?
Luv U! Luv Your work and passion!
how fun! I think everyone should do an anniversary giveaway. =)
here's my question. What is your indoor lighting set up and how do you have it set up? What do you usually have your camera settings on when you do indoor?
Congrats on your anniversary! That's exciting. You've done a great job!
QUestions from me! :)
1. What's in your bag?
2. What lens would you recommend to a semi-beginner? (One who's not been doing this a long time, but isn't a real beginner...if that makes sense! :)
3. Do you use flash ever?
4. How do you shoot at night?! :S (had a shoot when the lighting was getting pretty bad tonight....)
Congrats on your anniversary! Here's to many more years of fabulous photography!
Congrats! Okay, so my blogspot is just not professional.....I've tried a collage and it just ain't happening!
How do you make a collage header like YOURS?
And would you mind telling me the header settings?
utah peas
Happy Photoversary! I have loved watching you grow and change over the past year. You have gotten SO good. Thanks for all your help. I am ALWAYS emailing you for questions....but one for here...
How do you prop your newborns up to their are on their tummy and their head is resting on their hands? That's so hard!
Congrats Marissa! I love your photos!
Ooooh...Well, first off, my congrats to you on your first year...you need to post a pic of yourself smothered in chocolate cake! hee hee
Umm...there are too many questions!
Is there locations that you would consider to be versital to almost any style?
What location have you found to be your favorite?
And if I were to do pics of babies that have passed would you have a recommendation on an action to use to make the skin more natural? Sorry...that one might be harder.
Again, Congrats and here's to another great year for ya! Yippee!
Congrats Marrissa!!!
Now for my questions
What is your favorite location?
Whose work inspires you?
How did you build your portfolio?
First of all, would you mind sharing answers to everyones questions? I know I already put in a request but I thought of a few more, what props do you use for newborns, what is your pricing structure, and when I do newborn pictures, I try to burn the black sheet so it is darker and I end up getting a halo effect around the baby, what is the correct way to do that? And I've seen pictures where it is all white around the newborn, but I can't burn my white background....You are awesome for being so willing to give back! Thanks
Utah Peas
Happy anniversary, very inspiring to someone wanting to start the same!
What is the best place to get studio back drops (ie or the one in the infant pic from 'gorgeous girls'?)
So I already had the privledge of getting some awesome tips from you... so I dont have any specific questions of my own but I would love to read the answers to everyone elses!! Any indoor lighting tips and ditto on the bad orange skin tones!!! You are awesome!
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